Virus Details


Pathogen Information

Virus Name Human SARS coronavirus
Virus Short Name SARS-CoV
Order Nidovirales
Virus Family Coronaviridae
Virus Subfamily Coronavirinae
Genus Betacoronavirus
Species Betacoronavirus 1
Host Bats, human
Cell Tropism Epithelial cells of respiratory or enteric tracts, neurological tissues are also frequently infected
Associated Disease Mainly respiratory diseases
Mode of Transmission Respiratory or fecal-oral in humans
VIPR DB link
ICTV DB link
Virus Host DB link

Publication Information

Paper Title Interaction between SARS-CoV helicase and a multifunctional cellular protein (Ddx5) revealed by yeast and mammalian cell two-hybrid systems
Author's Name Chen JY, Chen WN, Poon KM, Zheng BJ, Lin X, Wang YX, Wen YM.
Journal Name archives virology
Pubmed ID 19224332
Abstract To reveal the putative cellular factors involved in SARS coronavirus replication, the helicase (Hel, nsp13) of SARS coronavirus was used to screen the cDNA library of rat pulmonary epithelial cells using the yeast two-hybrid system. Positively interacting proteins were further tested using a mammalian cell hybrid system and co-immunoprecipitation in the human A549 cell line, which has been shown to support SARS coronavirus replication. Out of the seven positive clones observed by yeast two-hybrid assay, only the Ddx5 (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp box polypeptide 5) protein showed specific interaction with SARS-CoV helicase. When expression of DdX5 was knocked down by small interfering RNA (siRNA), SARS coronavirus replication was significantly inhibited in fetal rhesus kidney (FRhK-4) cells. Since Ddx5 is a multifunctional protein that plays important roles in transcriptional regulation, its interaction with SARS coronavirus helicase provides interesting clues for studying virus-host cell interactions in SARS-CoV infections.
Used Model FRhK-4 cells
DOI 10.1007/s00705-009-0323-y